
Showing posts from August, 2017

Embracing Change...

I landed in Bangkok two months ago today. It is hard to believe that I have been living here for two months. The time has flown by.   I have met some of the most amazing people, resulting in some incredible friendships that, without this trip, I likely never would have formed.   I have done some travelling, which was also on my list of things to do while living here. And most importantly, I started teaching. When I said “goodbye” to family and friends at home, there were tears because I knew I was leaving behind everything I knew, those I love the most, and a life that I knew would be changed by the upcoming experiences. I have always struggled with change but somehow it felt the only way for me to really move forward, was to change everything; at least for a period of time. The tears were coming from what felt like a place of loss and grieving… from a young age I thought my life would look a certain way; that I would reach milestones at my designated timeframes. I met some, a

A bit of a backstory...

I don't know quite where to begin with this! How does one begin a blog? When I decided to uproot my life and move to Thailand, people asked if I would start a blog. I have always enjoyed writing but writing a blog, to be honest, felt daunting and frankly, a bit too vulnerable. Family and those closest to me have typically been on the receiving end of my notes. In coming to Thailand though, I promised myself this would be a year of putting myself out there, doing what terrified me, and lets be honest, praying/trusting I would bounce back...trusting I would actually get a teaching gig out here, that I would meet friends (no one wants to travel the world completely alone!), and that one day when I do return home, that I will find work again. So, here I am in a little coffee shop, half way around the world from all that was familiar to me, beginning a blog. I should mention that this adventure in Thailand was not pre planned. If you know me at all, you know I plan everything, almost